Celebrating Change
Change can be difficult, scary, exciting, exhilarating. Whether it is you making the change or circumstances making them for you, I am sure you would agree that there is a definite awakening and a tidal wave of emotion that accompanies the experience.
I have made and have had a lot of changes imposed on me in my life and career. I have fought the changes every step of the way, I have ignored the changes hoping they would just magically disappear, I have used a variety of distractions and unhelpful behaviors to keep myself from facing the reality of the change AND I have accepted the change with grace and dignity, I have learned many lessons that have built courage and faith, and I have found a spiritual grit and peaceful coexistence with change along the way.
One key lesson I have learned is that when I can find a level of acceptance with the current reality, allow the lessons of the experience to surface and trust the “signs” that show up guiding me to the next right action, I am more peaceful, even within the turbulent emotional storm. This is where I am right now, peaceful within the swirl of emotion and watching closely for the "signs" that show me I am on the right path.
Last week I received one of these “signs”.
I have been serving as an Executive Director with Serenity House Inc. since August 21, 2021. It has been an incredible journey with an incredible team, meaningful and impactful work serving, a great need in our world right now – recovery from addictions. Even with all the amazing heart felt connection I felt with this work, there was a small whisper deep within calling me to move in a different direction. In some ways it made no sense but in other ways it felt RIGHT.
I heard the whisper, ignored it, it got louder. I ignored it again and it got even louder. I decided to sit quietly with the whisper and listened closely and felt a deeper calling from somewhere in my soul. Sounds a bit “out there” but is it really? Don’t we all get these little intuitive nudges every day?
Anyway, I found the courage to become curious about this little whisper and follow its calling and on November 24, 2024, I took a leap of faith, and submitted my resignation. I am now starting something new and I am scared, uncertain, exhilarated, and above all humbled.
Last Friday, the team at Serenity House invited me to come onsite to receive a farewell gift. All I can say is WOW! I was filled with incredible gratitude, honor, and a full awareness of the encouragement I was receiving from my colleagues when I opened it. I could see on the faces of those who were there that they were so proud to be honouring and cheering me on with this incredible gift.
This gift is literally a metal sign designed to recognize and support my new business venture. The Universe has a good sense of humor. I had a friend tell me one time, “Sharon how many signier signs do you need to receive before you are ready to trust that Three Worlds IS your calling?”. Well, I have had many signs along the way, but this latest one has really caught my attention!
This incredible gift is a powerful example of how nudges and signs show up for us every day even when we are not ready to see or receive them. Sometimes they are a whisper and sometimes a neon sign that stops us in our tracks, either way they are encouraging us forward.
1. What changes are calling for action in your life or work?
2. What signs are nudging you towards this change?
3. How can you fully step into this change?
As I move forward with my new venture, I will strive each day to trust the unfolding of the experience and embrace each gift of emotion that shows up along the way.
Who knows, perhaps one day our paths may cross, and I will be in partnership with you as you fulfil a change opportunity in your own life.
Until then, may your “signs” illuminate the path to the transformation and change you most desire.